Source code for elastalk.seed

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Created on 1/23/19 by Pat Blair
.. currentmodule:: elastalk.seed
.. moduleauthor:: Pat Daburu <>

Prepare your Elasticsearch store with seed data!
import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import uuid
from .connect import ElastalkConnection
from .config import ElastalkConf

_logger: logging.Logger = logging.Logger(__file__)  #: the module logger

[docs]def seed(root: str or Path, config: str or Path = 'config.toml', force: bool = False): """ Populate an Elasticsearch instance with seed data. :param root: the root directory that contains the seed data :param config: the path to the configuration :param force: delete existing indexes and replace them with seed data :raises FileNotFoundError: if the path does not exist :raises NotADirectoryError: if the path is not a directory """ # Determine the root path. _root: Path = Path(root).resolve() if isinstance(root, str) else root # Let's figure out where the configuration file is supposed to be. _config: Path = config if isinstance(config, Path) else Path(config) # If we didn't get an absolute path... if not _config.is_absolute(): _config = _root / _config # ...assume the config path is in the root. _config = _config.resolve() # If the configuration file doesn't exist (or isn't a file), we have a # problem. if not _config.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"{_config} does not exist.") if not _config.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"{_config} is a directory.") # Create the Elastalk configuration from the config file. etconf = ElastalkConf().from_toml(toml_=_config) # Create the Elastalk connection. etconn = ElastalkConnection(etconf) # Retrieve the client. es = etconn.client for idxdir in [d for d in _root.iterdir() if d.is_dir()]: # The name of the index directory is the name of the Elasticsearch # index. _index: str = idxdir.stem # If we've been instructed to *force* the seed data into the database... if force: # ...drop the index. es.indices.delete(index=_index, ignore=[400, 404]) elif es.indices.exists(index=_index): _logger.warning( f"Index '{_index}' already exists. Skipping." ) continue # Each directory within the index directory indicates a "document type" # and contains files that will be converted to Elasticsearch documents. for docdir in [d for d in idxdir.iterdir() if d.is_dir()]: # The name of the document directory is the name of the # Elasticsearch document type. _doctype: str = docdir.stem # Now let's look at the files... for docfile in [f for f in docdir.iterdir() if f.is_file()]: # What do we thing the document ID should be? _id = # If it is convertible to a UUID, it's a UUID... try: _id = uuid.UUID(_id) except ValueError: # pragma: no cover pass # ...but maybe not. That's all right. # Prepare a document to index in Elasticsearch. doc = json.loads(docfile.read_text()) # Index the document. es.index( index=_index, doc_type=_doctype, id=_id, body=etconn.pack(doc=doc, index=_index) )